As part of the move towards the touchless work environment, the ResourceXpress RX Mobile app is now downloadable from Apple App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android. Follow the link to download the RX Mobile information sheet This new addition to the ResourceXpress suite is the essential tool for quickly searching and booking meeting rooms, desks and workspaces on-the-fly. This will be an invaluable tool for organizations looking to change working practices as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.

At a glance benefits:
Distance-friendly alternative to point-of-use operations Touchless search and booking for resources using your own device, minimizing contact with office-based touch devices and reducing cross infection risks.
Find Powerful filtering and search facility. Use the pre-defined filters to focus the app on frequently used resources. View capacity and resource availability in rooms and on desks. Book, check-in/out, extend bookings wherever you are.
Book and Check-in Allows the user to create a new booking and the ability to check-in to a pre-booked space.
My Events Easily view your own daily bookings, view resource location instructions and get directions using office floor maps.
Maps – View office floorplan images and immediately see what resources are free or booked.
Free Rooms – Quickly see what meeting rooms are free for your pre-defined locations.
Free Desks - Quickly see what desks are free for your pre-defined locations.
Equipment – See what equipment is available with your desired room or desk and report any faulty items.
Themes – Choose dark or light modes to suit your preference.
As part of the ResourceXpress family, the mobile device supports desk and room booking in Microsoft Exchange, Google, Accruent EMS, FM:Systems Resource Scheduler, NFS Rendezvous and Lotus Notes.
ReSoft International offers solutions to assist organizations in implementing a hybrid workplace; including Desk and Room booking, user software License Adoption, realtime uptime of cloud software applications.