QR codes have been around for a long time. QR stands for quick response - in reality, it is a more powerful bar code. Traditionally designed for the Japanese Auto Industry to track vehicles during manufacturing in the early 90s, it has gradually developed into addressing applications like advertising in magazines, on buses and billboards, from which a person can use their mobile phone to scan and link to more marketing information.

Since the start of the COVID pandemic, we now see most restaurants, certainly in New York City, offering their menus via QR code access. This means a user can scan and view the menu on their phone and potentially pay the check the same way, where a QR code is added to the check given by the server.

How does this affect workplace management?
In planning the return to a post-covid workplace, employers are looking to minimize the number of touch points on public devices. QR codes give us the ability to display room or desk booking information at the point of access. By scanning the QR code with their mobile phone, the user can launch a booking app to book or check-in to a previously booked space…. without touching any device other than their mobile phone.
ReSoft International offers solutions to assist organizations in implementing a hybrid workplace; including Desk and Room booking, cloud software License Adoption, realtime uptime of cloud software applications.